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When they were in middle school and living in Florida, Brinton says they were subjected to conversion therapyīy Jennifer Smith, Chief Reporter For Dailymail.Com.Brinton's parents are Peggy Jo and Stephen, Southern Baptist missionaries who now live in Iowa.They have given lectures on the 'physics of kink', refer to themselves as 'the slutty, nerdy' one in groups and says they have visited the White House in heels.They have spoken openly about enjoying 'pup play' where they 'handle' their partner 'Nubi'.At the nuns' 'Lavender Mass' in 2021, Brinton sang a song in honor of 'Daddy Fauci'.In their spare time, they are Sister Ray Dee O'Active in the Order of Perpetual Indulgence - a group of drag queens who dress as nuns to raise awareness of transphobia and sexual intolerance.Brinton was born a male but now identifies as non-binary they are married to a man and live in Maryland.Sam Brinton, 34, announced last month that they had been hired for a role in Biden's Department of Energy.REVEALED: Biden's 34-year-old pick for top nuclear waste job endured conversion therapy 'torture' at hands of Southern Baptist missionary parents and is now non-binary drag queen who enjoys 'pup play' and worships 'Daddy Fauci'

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